ADRi Event: “Safeguarding the Indo-Pacific: Strengthening Partnerships to Meet Emerging Cybersecurity Threats”

Robust cybersecurity is a vital but often overlooked condition for a free, open, and prosperous Indo-Pacific. Cyber threats in the region have been a growing concern, largely due to the increasing digitization of economies and the intensifying geopolitical competition. From state-sponsored cyberattacks to cyber influence operations, the Indo-Pacific faces a diverse array of cyber threats that target governments, businesses, and individuals alike. These threats have various effects, jeopardizing economic growth, eroding trust in government institutions, sowing division within communities, and undermining national security.  

The Philippines, located at the center of the Indo-Pacific, has been a primary target. It has been subjected to multiple and recurring attacks on critical government infrastructures, disinformation campaigns, and other forms of foreign malign influence operations, particularly initiated by China. In response, the Marcos Jr. administration has declared cybersecurity as a priority and has implemented several measures to enhance the country’s cybersecurity. The prioritization of cybersecurity is crystallized in the recently approved National Cybersecurity Plan 2023 – 2028. This strategic initiative aims to not only provide a clear policy direction for the administration in safeguarding the country’s cyberspace, but also to embed a holistic approach through a comprehensive risk assessment to prevent any form of cyber-attack and to intensifying the capacity of cybersecurity personnel to respond and address related concerns.  Similarly, in the lens of national and geopolitical security, the administration is also upholding an assertive transparency strategy as part of efforts to build a more resilient cybersecurity infrastructure and ensure security in the digital domain.  

However, as a country in the early stages of digitalization, it is imperative for the Philippines to explore partnerships to keep pace with the rapid developments in technology and the growing sophistication of cyberthreats. With the United States looking to deepen partnerships with key Indo-Pacific allies, including the Philippines, this presents an opportunity for these long-standing partners to collaborate in combating cyber threats from hostile states and fortifying their cyber defenses.  

In line with this, the Stratbase ADR Institute in partnership with the Center for New American Security hosted a conference entitled “Safeguarding the Indo-Pacific: Strengthening Partnerships to Meet Emerging Cybersecurity Threats” last June 24, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Conservatory, The Peninsula Hotel, Makati City.  

The two-part event gathered government officials, cybersecurity experts, members of the diplomatic community, and policy experts for an in-person discussion evaluating the cybersecurity landscape in the Philippines and the broader Indo-Pacific region. It aimed to identify possible partnerships to strengthen collective efforts in safeguarding the region’s cyber landscape.   

The morning session featured a private discussion on the current cybersecurity landscape in the Philippines and the potential areas for collaboration between the Philippines and the United States, particularly in combating cybersecurity threats and enhancing cybersecurity resilience. Meanwhile, the afternoon session featured a public moderated panel of Filipino and U.S. cybersecurity experts to discuss cyber-related issues in various sectors and generate recommendations on strengthening cyber resiliency and achieving digital security in the Philippines and the wider Indo-Pacific.